
Right aortic arch is present in Mammals only Birds only reptiles only. Please givea detailed answer

Right aortic arch is present in
  • Mammals only
  • Birds only
  • reptiles only.
Please givea detailed answer

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Dr.Adam Shaik
askIITians Faculty 387 Points
7 years ago
Right-sidedaortic archis an rare anatomical variant.
It is formed by the aortic arch on therightside rather than on the left.
During normal embryonic development,
the aortic archis formed by the left fourthaortic archand the left dorsalaorta.
So the answer is humans only
Mayajyothi C J
126 Points
7 years ago
Actually the answer is birds only, It’s just that I don’t understand why. Can you please explain the reason.......................
Dr.Adam Shaik
askIITians Faculty 387 Points
7 years ago
It is about systemic aorta.
In birds only it left and in humans it is in right

6 arches are formed during embryonic development,
Among them only 3 arches (third, fourth & sixth) persist in the adult animals.
Coming to the differences between birds and mammals
Single systemic aorta, is found on right side in birds
and left in mammals.
In description:
The Systemic aorta combines with the radix aorta and forms dorsal aorta.

Similarly Subclavian artery present on the left side in birds and
on the right side in mammals.

In the same way Third arch represents carotid arteries,
that emerge from systemic aorta

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