
two electric bulbs rated 25W, 220V and 100W, 220V are connected in series across a 220V voltage source. find out the power drawn by individual bulbs(p 1, p 2 )

two  electric bulbs rated 25W, 220V and 100W, 220V are connected in series across a 220V voltage source. find out the power drawn by individual bulbs(p1, p2)


3 Answers

35 Points
6 years ago
as w = vi,  25 = 220*current
current = 25/220 for p1
for p2
current = 100/220
r = v/i
resistance for p1 = 2202 / 25 and for p2 = 2202 / 100

now claculate the net resistance in the circuit and then calculate the current required
calculate the voltage drop on each of the bulbs p1 and p2 and then multiply it with the current
You will get the answer – power for p1 = 16w and power for p2 = 4w
Gaurav Gupta
askIITians Faculty 686 Points
6 years ago
35 Points
6 years ago
Gaurav while calculating the current you have approximated it 
You should have kept it as a fraction (1/11) and moved on 
In this case way your answer has also got approximated from 4watts to 3.98watts and from 16 watts to 15.68 watts

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