
On producing the waves of frequency 1000:Hz in a Kundt's tube, the total distance b/w 6 successive nodes is 85 cm.Speed of sound of the gaa filled in the tube is 300 m/s 350 340 330

On producing the waves of frequency 1000:Hz in a Kundt's tube, the total distance b/w 6 successive nodes is 85 cm.Speed of sound of the gaa filled in the tube is
  1. 300 m/s
  2. 350
  3. 340
  4. 330

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1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 387 Points
8 years ago
asdistance b/w 6 successive nodes is 85 cm so value of\lambda/2 is 85/5.

i.e. \lambda=34.

and speed of sound is 340 m/s

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