
A particle moves in x-y plane according to rule x = a sin ωt and y = a cosωt. The particle follows (1) An elliptical path (2) A circular path (3) A parabolic path (4) A straight line path inclined equally to x and y-axes

A particle moves in x-y plane according to rule x = a sin ωt and y = a cosωt. The particle follows (1) An elliptical path (2) A circular path (3) A parabolic path (4) A straight line path inclined equally to x and y-axes


1 Answers

Rahul Vignesh
26 Points
7 years ago
x2=a2sin2wt …............Eq(1)
y2=a2cos2wt ….............. Eq(2)
Eq (1) + Eq(2) \Rightarrow x2+y2=awhich is a circles equation.
Therefore it follows a circular path

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