
The plane P1:4x+7y+4z+81=0 is rotated through a right angle about its line of intersection with the plane P2:5x+3y+10z-25=0. If the plane in its new position is denoted by P3, and then, What is the distance of the plane from the origin? Please give a detailed stepwise approach.

The plane P1:4x+7y+4z+81=0 is rotated through a right angle about its line of intersection with the plane P2:5x+3y+10z-25=0.

If the plane in its new position is denoted by P3, and then,

What is the distance of the plane from the origin?

Please give a detailed stepwise approach.


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
P3 will be parallel to
a point of intersection of two planes
Now we just
where n is perpendicular vector to plane we calculated a first
and a is (x,y,z)

Arun Kumar
IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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