
( * ) If theta lies in the first quardrant and 5 tan theta = 4, then ( cosec square theta – sec square theta ) / (sin theta + 2 cos theta) =

( * )
If theta lies in the first quardrant and 5 tan theta = 4, then ( cosec square theta – sec square theta ) / (sin theta + 2 cos theta) =


1 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
10 years ago

Hello student, Please find the answer to your question below

tan Ø = 4/5
So sinØ= 4/root{41}, cosØ= 5/root{41}
You habe all the values just you have to put in eqn and calculate
( cosec2Ø – sec2Ø ) / (sinØ + 2 cosØ)

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