
if ∆ is the area and 2s is the perimeter of atriangle then ∆

if  ∆ is the area and 2s is the perimeter of atriangle then  ∆


1 Answers

3778 Points
6 years ago
Sorry dear the question seems incomplete. Otherwise such questions I think are from Heron formula topic. So you can try using it to solve the above query. If you are trying to find in the above case, then simply you can put s= 2s/2 and put its value in heron formula. Note that in heron formula s is half of perimeter. So if perimeter is 2s then its half will be equal to s only.
Now if we put area and put value of s we will get a relation from heron formula.
I hope this will help or else you can complete the query and let me know what you want to find so I can assist more :)

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