
cot70 0 +4cos70 0 = √3



1 Answers

Shubham Kamleshbhai Patel
59 Points
9 years ago
= cot70 + 4cos70
= cos70 / sin70 + 4cos70
= cos70 ( 1 / sin70 + 4)
= sin20 ( 1 / sin70 + 4)
After this step use the sin table and then substitube the values of sin20 and sin70.
Actually I dont know how to use the sin table so i copied the values of sin20 and sin 70 from the calculator.
= 0.34 ( 1 / 0.93 + 4)
= 0.34 (1.08 + 4)
= 0.34 x 5.08
= 1.73 (approx.)
i.e., It is almost equal to √3.
Hope this helped you.........!

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