
Sir I got 213 in Jee mains and looking at the cut off I think these marks are really very good. I am also expecting no less than 90% in my case boards. So I just wanted to ask according to you should I pay fees for the counselling for any other private institution or my marks are enough to guarantee me a good nit or nsit. I belong to genral category and my home state is harayana.

Sir I got 213 in Jee mains and looking at the cut off I think these marks are really very good. I am also expecting no less than 90% in my case boards. So I just wanted to ask according to you should I pay fees for the counselling for any other private institution or my marks are enough to guarantee me a good nit or nsit. I belong to genral category and my home state is harayana.

Grade:12th Pass

3 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
You can get a decent NIT, You must reserve an option as NIT or NSIT and try hard for JEE ADV..
Good Luck....................
56 Points
9 years ago
Thanku sirsir
56 Points
9 years ago
I just wanted to ask wether I should pay fee for the vit counselling and attend it or shall I leave it totally?
Plz reply soon

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