
My JEE Main rank is 6100.Suggest me the Top NIT Colleges to consider or should I prefer IIEST Shibpur which probably will be better than NIT?

My JEE Main rank is 6100.Suggest me the Top NIT Colleges to consider or should I prefer IIEST Shibpur which probably will be better than NIT?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
9 years ago
I am enlisting the names of the NIT’s which you can get with this rank of yours.

1 Jaipur
2 Nagpur
3 Rourkela
4 Calicut
6 Bhopal
8 Jalandhar
9 Surat

but if you feel that Shibpur is better than above mentioned then it’s better you should go for IIEST Shibpur.


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