
I got an AIR 12,154 in JEE mains and was allotted NIT Durgapur,mechanical engineering in first list and NIT Raipur,mechanical engineering in second list. I got a WBJEE rank 976 and got Production Engineering in Jadavpur University. My first choice in WBJEE was BESU mechanical engineering. The CR of last years second round counseling in BESU mechanical was 980 and 3rd round was 1045. Can I get a seat in BESU mechanical? If I get, which one should I take?

I got an AIR 12,154 in JEE mains and was allotted NIT Durgapur,mechanical engineering in first list and NIT Raipur,mechanical engineering in second list. 
I got a WBJEE rank 976 and got Production Engineering in Jadavpur University. My first choice in WBJEE was BESU mechanical engineering. The CR of last years second round counseling in BESU mechanical was 980 and 3rd round was 1045.
Can I get a seat in BESU mechanical? If I get, which one should I take? 

Grade:12th Pass

1 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
8 years ago
You can join NIT DUrgapur as the college is very famous in NITs.But if you plan to join BESU mechanical engineering youc an wait for the next round of counselling as It can be bit dicy this time

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