
With 30297(overall) rank and 23014(gen) in aieee, what are the chances of getting the lower NITs? Also mention the branch possible

With 30297(overall) rank and 23014(gen) in aieee, what are the chances of getting the lower NITs? Also mention the branch possible


1 Answers

Gaurav Yadav
35 Points
12 years ago

Dear Samantha Sharma

I think that going for NITs at this rank is not a good choice because at this rank you are going to get only not so good branches even in the lower ranked NITs or nothing as according to the last year data all the NITs get closed at arround 30k to 31k, it also depends upon your state of eligibility for example for Delhi state NITs get closed at 24k to 25k.

I think that you must go for some other colleges like thapar, BIT patna etc as they are better than most of the lower ranked NITs.


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