
Sir, I have got aieee overall rank 30297(gen) and 23014(category)...also Iin upsee I have got 871(gen) and 80(girls). Are there any chances of me getting motilal through home state quota? If yes, then which branch? will this branch be good as compared to good branches in HBTI?

Sir, I have got aieee overall rank 30297(gen) and 23014(category)...also Iin upsee I have got 871(gen) and 80(girls). Are there any chances of me getting motilal through home state quota? If yes, then which branch? will this branch be good as compared to good branches in HBTI?


4 Answers

Askiitians_Expert Yagyadutt
askIITians Faculty 74 Points
13 years ago
Hello samantha ! No chance of getting Motilal nehru ..sorry :( Ya but u have done a very awesome performance in UPSEE congrats yaar :) You can get admission in HBTI kanpur .. and i hope through gals quota you can also get computer science at HBTI .. And u know ..HBTI is 23rd college among top 100 ..and MNNIT ALLAHABAD is 14 th ..just 7 rank ahead... SO there is no big difference between CS @ HBTI and IT @ MNNIT .. You will get good placement and good CS education at HBTI too..! Good luck :) Regards Yagya Askiitians_expert
878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Yes there are chances for you...



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Askiitians Expert

Sagar Singh - IIT Delhi

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Yes there are good chances for you..



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Askiitians Expert

Sagar Singh - IIT Delhi

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear samantha sharma,

There would not be good branches available for you @ MNNIT,Allahabad !!

I suugest you to go for HBTI instead !!


All the Best & Good Luck !!

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