
I have just been alloted mech at IIT punjab, Which is after all an IIT , But again NITK has a rep of more than 50 yrs ,And Branch Is a very Promising one .My Interest after 4 yrs is Higher edu . What would u suggest ??? Also What can u say bout placement @ IIT V/c NITK

I have just been alloted mech at IIT punjab, Which is after all an IIT ,
But again NITK has a rep of more than 50 yrs ,And Branch Is a very Promising one .My Interest after 4 yrs is Higher edu . What would u suggest ???

Also What can u say bout placement @ IIT V/c NITK


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


I would suggest u to go for NIT K , and not to IIT Punjab. If u are concerned about placements then i do think NIT K would have a better placement as compared to IIT Punjab atleast fr some years, as it has gt much more repo as compared to newly opened IITs.

One can still think of opting fr IIT Brand , since u are interested in higher studies , but u never know wen do u change ur mind about nt continuing with further studies. So, to be on a safer side i'll suggest u NIT K. Moreover u are also mentioning that the branch is very promising , so i wud suggest u NITK only.

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