
I got IIT Patna Mechanical & I got B Tech ICT at DAIICT. I am likely to get CS at IIIT Hyderabad. As of now I think that post B Tech, I will either go for M Tech or MBA. Now I am very much confused. What shall I opt - IIT Patna Mech or DAIICT or IIIT Hyderabad? Please guide me at the earliest as I have to lock option of IIIT before 06/28 11:55 PM.

 I got IIT Patna Mechanical & I got B Tech ICT at DAIICT. I am likely to get CS at IIIT Hyderabad.  As of now I think that post B Tech, I will either go for M Tech or MBA. Now I am very much confused. What shall I opt - IIT Patna Mech or DAIICT or IIIT Hyderabad? Please guide me at the earliest as I have to lock option of IIIT before 06/28 11:55 PM.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Sambhav Jain
8 Points
15 years ago


The Infrastucture of the newly set IITs is not appealing. The greater problen is about Faculty b'cos as of now the new IITs don't have good no.  of permanent experienced Faculty.

Talking about streams the placement in core fields is very low, even the toppers in Mech,Civil,ECE are getting IT and CS jobs only. So better to opt for CS only if you have no special interest for any specific field.

Between DAIICT  and IIIT Hyd , I would straight away suggest to go for IIIT Hyd b'coz their CS is exceptionally good. The placement there has also been good even  in this reciession time.





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