
i have air 5800 and im good at programing & prefer comp branch overall but im nt getting cs in any top nits or IIIT. but im getting IT in some gud nits. pls tell me difference between cs & it? job prospets in IT? is the scope of branch declining? should i prefer IIIT or MNNIT allahabad IT or some lower nit's cs? pls reply soon. thank you.

i have air 5800 and im good at programing & prefer comp branch overall but im nt getting cs in any top nits or IIIT. but im getting IT in some gud nits.

pls tell me difference between cs & it?

job prospets in IT?

is the scope of branch declining?

should i prefer IIIT or MNNIT allahabad IT or some lower nit's cs?

pls reply soon.

thank you.


1 Answers

askiitian Expert
8 Points
15 years ago


Dear Rahul,

The basic difference between CSE and IT is that IT is solely a software engineering. It rests only with the software part while CSE includes both hardware and software. CSE deals with, along with the software subjects, hardware sujects as well like Compiler, Automata. These are all machine and hardware related subjects while designing of Algorithms, details of OS are few concerns of IT, all software.

The IT industry has great scope for people as it provides employment to technical and non-technical graduates and has the capability to generate huge foreign exchange inflow for India. India exports softwares and services to approximately 95 countries in the world. By outsourcing to India, many countries get benefits in terms of labour costs and business processes.

Though the scope of this branch has decresed in last two year due to recession but its most likely to boom with its full pace in the coming years.

IIIT would be the best option for you follwing the NITs and then the MNIT.

Thank you.


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