
Which solution has the highest boiling point temperature ? 0.1 MgCl2 0.1 kcl 0.1 KOH 0.1 HClO4 0.1LiNO3

Which solution has the highest boiling point temperature ?

0.1 MgCl2
0.1 kcl
0.1 KOH
0.1 HClO4


3 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
3 years ago
Dear student 
Please mention what should i consider 0.1 , it is Molar or Normal,
Please upload an image , 
We will happy to help you 
Good Luck 
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
3 years ago
As we know,
more no of ions → more elevation in boiling point.
and "1%NaCl in water" gives two ions so it will have highest boiling point.
Parv Joshi
101 Points
3 years ago
Dear student 
Please mention what should i consider 0.1 , it is Molar or Normal,
Please upload an image , 
We will happy to help you 
Good Luck 

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