
What is the Difference between sigma bond and pi bond ?

What is the Difference between sigma bond and pi bond ?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago

The following are the differences between sigma and pi-bonds:

Sigma (σ) Bond Pi (π) Bond
(a)  the bond is formed by the axial overlap of the atomic orbitals The bond is formed by the sidewise overlap of  atomic orbitals.
(b)  the overlap is large & a strong bond is formed The overlap is small & weak bond is formed
(c ) all the s orbitals & only one lobe of p orbital is involved in overlapping S orbital donot take part in bond formation,while both lobes of p orbital take part in overlapping
(d) The electron cloud is symmetrical about the internuclear axis The electron cloud is unsymmetrical.
(e)  the bond can also be formed in the absence of pie bond. The bond cannot be formed in the absence of sigma bond..
(f) Free rotation about σ bonds is possible. Free Rotation of the atoms around pie bond is not possible

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