
Tom once tom and jerry entered a chemistry lab where a chemist was preparing 3 litres h2so4 solution.he labelled the solution as 10m(d=3.3gm/ml).as the chemist left the lab a mischief came into toms mind.he tried to throw the solution on jerry but doing so some of the h2so4 solution fell i=on the floor,so he added water to make it 3 litres again.the chemist returned back and got astonished to see his result as d=1.5gm/ml and %w/w=98.find out the moles of h2so4 which fell down on the floor. (a)1 mol

Tomonce tom and jerry entered a chemistry lab where a chemist was preparing 3 litres h2so4 solution.he labelled the solution as 10m(d=3.3gm/ml).as the chemist left the lab a mischief came into toms mind.he tried to throw the solution on jerry but doing so some of the h2so4 solution fell i=on the floor,so he added water to make it 3 litres again.the chemist returned back and got astonished to see his result as d=1.5gm/ml and %w/w=98.find out the moles of h2so4 which fell down on the floor.
(a)1 mol


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
is the solution 10.....................................
Please verify ….....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Good Luck 

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