
the minimum molecular weight of a compound which contains 4% by mass of oxygen is 1)400 amu,2)200 amu 3)4000 amu4)800 amu

the minimum molecular weight of a compound which contains 4% by mass of oxygen is 
1)400 amu,2)200 amu 3)4000 amu4)800 amu 


1 Answers

3007 Points
5 years ago

4 g of Oxygen is present in 100 g of the compound.
 The Atomic weight of Oxygen is 16.
(In the “minimum mass” of the compound, assume that there is 1 Oxygen
atom in it.) 
Then, 16 g of Oxygen must be present in ‘x’ g of the compound.
 Mathematically, x = 16 × 100/4 = 400 g
Hence, 400 g is the minimum molecular weight of the
Hope it clears. If you like answer then please approve it.

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