
Identify the following substances: i. It is about 550 times as sweet as cane sugar and excreted from body in urine unchanged. ii. It is 100 times as sweet as cane sugar and its use is limited to cold food and soft drinks as it is unstable at cooking temperature. iii. It is a trichloro derivative of Sucrose and it is stable at room temperature.

Identify the following substances:
i. It is about 550 times as sweet as cane sugar and excreted from body in urine unchanged.
ii. It is 100 times as sweet as cane sugar and its use is limited to cold food and soft drinks as it is unstable at cooking temperature.
iii. It is a trichloro derivative of Sucrose and it is stable at room temperature.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
(1)sachharin-Saccharin is used in soft drinks, chewing gums, jams, jellies, sauces, gelatin and salad dressings. It is commercially available in three forms as a sodium salt, as a calcium salt and in the acid form. It does not have any calorific value. Due to its inert nature it is excreted from the body in urination process.

(2)aspartame-hemically Aspartame is the methyl ester of a phenylalanine/aspartic acid dipeptide bonds are present. It is 160 times sweeter than ordinary table sugar and 70 percent of all Aspartame is used in s and cool drinks. It has flavor enhancing properties. When taken in less it is metabolized. Its trade name is neutral sweet. It is used in carbonated beverages, puddings, frozen fruit juices etc,
(3)sucralose is chemically tri chloro derivative of is stable at cooking temperature. Sucralose is similar in structure to regular sugar and contains maltodextrin and it is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Normal body absorbs very little of this artificial sweetener. It cannot provide calories. It can be used in all products. Its appearance and taste is similar to that of sugar.

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