
For a particular reversible reaction at temperature T, H ? and S ? were found to be both +ve. If eT is the temperature at equilibrium, the reaction would be spontaneous when

For a particular reversible reaction at temperature T, H ? and S ? were found to be both +ve. If eT is the
temperature at equilibrium, the reaction would be spontaneous when


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
ΔH>0 ΔS<0
This is the reverse of the previous case; the entropy increase must overcome the handicap of an endothermic process so thatTΔS> ΔH. Since the effect of the temperature is to "magnify" the influence of a positive ΔS, the process will be spontaneous at temperaturesaboveT= ΔH/ ΔS. (Think of melting and boiling.)

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