
A solution is obtained by mixing 300 g of 25% solution and 400 g of 40% solution by mass. Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.

A solution is obtained by mixing 300 g of 25% solution and 400 g of 40% solution by mass. Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.


2 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
204-1429_Sat Aug 16 00-47-52.jpg
15 Points
5 years ago
Mass of solute in 1st solution= 300×25/100 = 75g
 Mass of solute in 2nd solution =400×40/100=160g
Total mass of solute = 235g
Total mass of solution = (300+400) g
Mass %=235/700×100=33.57%

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