
A solution contained Na 2CO3and NaHCO 3, 25 mL of the solution required 5 mL of N/10 HCl for neutralization using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Addition of methyl orange required a further 15 mL of the acid for neutralization. The amount of Na 2CO3present in the solution is 21.2 g 2.12 g 0.212 g 4.24 g The answer given is 3) 0.212 g . Please explain why!

A solution contained Na 2CO3and NaHCO 3, 25 mL of the solution required 5 mL of N/10 HCl for neutralization using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Addition of methyl orange required a further 15 mL of the acid for neutralization. The amount of Na 2CO3present in the solution is
  1.  21.2 g
  2.  2.12 g
  3.  0.212 g
  4.  4.24 g 
The answer given is 3) 0.212 g .
Please explain why!


1 Answers

Rituraj Tiwari
askIITians Faculty 1792 Points
3 years ago
657-629_Annotation 2020-09-14 163857.png

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