
2.Caluclate the percentage of Sulphur in Sulphuric acid. (with proper steps please.)​

2.Caluclate the percentage of Sulphur in Sulphuric acid. (with proper steps please.)​


1 Answers

103 Points
3 years ago
The chemical formula of sulphuric acid is H2SO4.
Gram molecular weight of H2SO4 = 98 g
Weight of sulphur in one gram molecule of H2SO4 = 32 g
Percentage of sulphur in sulphuric acid = (Weight of sulphur in one gram molecule of sulphuric acid ÷ Weight of one                                                                                gram molecule of sulphuric acid) x 100
                                                               = (32÷98) x 100
                                                               = 32.65 %
Hope it helps! Pls approve this answer if you found it useful.
All the best!

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