
Which of the following is non-electrolyte? a) NaCl b) CaCl 2 c) C 12 H 22 O 11 d) CH 3 COOH

Which of the following is non-electrolyte?

a)      NaCl

b)      CaCl2

c)       C12H22O11

d)      CH3COOH


2 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
10 years ago

a)      C12H22O11

Exp:       The compounds which when dissolved in water, do not produce ions, are called as non-electrolytes. Therefore, C12H22O11 is non-electrolyte because it does not give ions with water.

Maruthi Sirisilla
38 Points
10 years ago

Answer is C

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