
The number of electron in the telluride ion. Te 2– is (A)50 (B)52 (C)53 (D)54 According to me answer should be 54 since Z of tellurium is 50, so Te2- should have 54 electrons right?? But the answer says that its 52.... Please Help.........

The number of electron in the telluride ion. Te2– is





According to me answer should be 54 since Z of tellurium is 50, so Te2- should have 54 electrons right?? But the answer says that its 52.... Please Help.........


1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
12 years ago

tellurium has atomic number 52,

so Te has 52 electrons

and Te2- has 54 electrons

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