
drago's rule

drago's rule


4 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
12 years ago

Dear yash khanna,

For any Group in general,the formula for calculating the number of hybrid orbitals is
group number of central element+no.of atoms sorrounding the central elent(except oxygen)-charge on the central element(consider the charge including its sign) whole divided by 2


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Godfrey Classic Prince


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Prateek Mittal
33 Points
8 years ago
Drago’s rule is basically a rule of hybridisation.
Conditions for dragos rule:
i.) no. of sigma bonds+ l.p.=4
ii.) the central atom must belong to 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th group(not to 2nd)
iii.) the electronegativity of central atom must be \leq 2.5
iv.) Atleast 1 lone pair must be there on central atom.
if these conditions are fulfilled then the compound follows dragos rule, which says that there will be bo need to consider hybridisation.
drago’s suggested an empirical formula, which said that, in these cases, the bond angle is exceptionally small approx. 90~94 degree.And this is the reason why PHhas an exception bond angle of 93.5 degree.
13 Points
6 years ago
For drago rule 2nd and 3rd conditions are wrong.
ii) central atom of 3rd period and onward, not group.
iii) electronegativity of surrounding atom
Not for Central atom .
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
According to Drago's rule when the following conditions are satisfied, then the energy difference between the participating atomic orbitals will be very high and thus no mixing of orbitals or hybridization takes place. 1. At least one lone pair must be present on the central atom.

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