
the density of neon will be highest at (a)STP (b)0degree,2atm (c)273degree,1atm (d) 273degree,2atm

the density of neon will be highest at




(d) 273degree,2atm


3 Answers

rajan jha
49 Points
13 years ago

DENSITY(d)= pM/RT,  i.e, it is directly proportional yo pressure and inversely proportional to temperatutre. Thus the condition is highest pressure and low temperature

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vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
13 years ago

PV =nRT            ( n is number of moles of gas)

n = mass of gas /M.wt   & dencity(d) is mass/V

PV=(mass) RT/M.wt

P=dRT/M.wt         or

d= p(M.wt)/RT

from above eq , if the pressure is more and temprature is less then dencity will be high.....

therefore for option b dencity is maximum......

ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago

DENSITY(d)= pM/RT,  i.e, it is directly proportional yo pressure and inversely proportional to temperatutre. Thus the condition is highest pressure and low temperature

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PV =nRT            ( n is number of moles of gas)

n = mass of gas /M.wt   & dencity(d) is mass/V

PV=(mass) RT/M.wt

P=dRT/M.wt         or

d= p(M.wt)/RT

from above eq , if the pressure is more and temprature is less then dencity will be high.....

therefore for option b dencity is maximum

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