
1.0gm ofMg is burnt with 0.56gm O2 in a closed vessel .which reactant is left in excess and jow much

1.0gm ofMg is burnt with 0.56gm O2 in a closed vessel .which reactant is left in excess and jow much

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

16 Points
4 years ago
as we have given with 1 gm of magnesium which react with 0.56 gm of oxygen to form magnesiumoxide ..ok note it down as 24gm magnesium  require 16 gm oxygen  to react bt here 1 gm magnesium is given which require 0.75 oxygen bt the amount of oxygen given is less then that of require amount which is .56gm so oxy will b limiting reactt nd magnesium will b in excess so now we hve to find excess amount then sbtract 0.56 from 1gm then the ans will be 0.44gm...

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