
0.115 gm pf sodium metal was dissolved in 500l of the solution is detailed water . the normality of the solution would be ; (1) 0.010N (2) 0.0115N (3) 0.023N (4) 0.046N

0.115 gm pf sodium metal was dissolved in 500l of the solution is detailed water . the normality of the solution would be ;
(1) 0.010N   (2) 0.0115N 
(3) 0.023N    (4) 0.046N

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Avni Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 247 Points
5 years ago
in the question, it should be 500ml.

Then the correct answer will be (A)
572-1173_Capture no.PNG

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