
Which mechanism is followed in converting chlorobenzene to phenol in presence of naoh and HCl?

Which mechanism is followed in converting chlorobenzene to phenol in presence of naoh and HCl?


3 Answers

3007 Points
5 years ago
Hydrolysis of chlorobenzene
Dow's process is one of the methods of preparation of phenol. In this method chlorobenzene is heated with aq. NaOH at about 623k and 300 atm. pressure to form sodium phenoxide, which is acidified by dilute acid like HCl to form phenol.
3007 Points
5 years ago


In first step, base removes hydrogen from the benzene ring,in the form of H+ ion to form carbanion which loses Cl- ion to form benzyne as an intermediate.

In second step benzyne get attacked by nucleophile OH- to form Carbanion which subsequently get protonated to form phenol.

Lots of Laugh
28 Points
5 years ago
by heating in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at 300 atm we can obtain phenol from chlorobenzene
it is due to replacement by hydroxyl group

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