
What is the IUPAC name of HOOCCH2CH2(CH2CHO)CHCH=CH2?

What is the IUPAC name of HOOCCH2CH2(CH2CHO)CHCH=CH2?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1281 Points
8 years ago
IUPAC name of HOOCCH2CH2(CH2CHO)CHCH=CH2 will be
4-(2-oxoethyl)-hex-5-enoic acid

Priority is given to the carboxylic acid and we don't specify the locant because it's a carboxylic acid and is 1 by default.
Ethanal is considered a substituent on a branch so it is named as oxoethyl, 2 means that the oxygen is on C2 starting the counting from the branch, and the main hydrocarbon is a carboxylic acid with a double bond on position 5.

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