
What is need of study,scope of study for determination of acid content in various sour fruits

What is need of study,scope of study for determination of acid content in various sour fruits


1 Answers

Sakshi gupta
38 Points
7 years ago
A naturally occurring acid found in many fruit juices, citric acid was quantified using external standards and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Eight orange juice samples were analyzed ranging in concentrations from 36.0 to 427 mg/oz of citric acid. The California navel orange had the highest citric acid concentration, followed by the 100% orange juices, the orange flavored juices, and with the lowest concentration, Nestle’s Juicy Juice, the 100% mixed fruit juice. Introduction Citric acid is a naturally occurring weak organic acid. It is small, very soluble, and easily manufactured. Although it is naturally occurring it is used as an additive to many drinks to enhance flavor and increase stability in soft drinks and syrups. It is also used to prevent color change by oxidation.1 Because they are so easily modified, citrus juices are subject to alteration by addition of citric acid, a cheap ingredient, used to improve taste and increase shelf life.2 It is difficult to determine which juices have additional synthetic citric acid, which involves the analysis of isotopic forms of the acid, 3 and these higher concentrations can have unwanted effects on tooth enamel. These effects may be worse than soft drinks or sugar because the acid affects the whole mouth equally and the effects cannot be felt like sugar coating the teeth.4 A 2009 study published in the Journal of Dentistry showed that high levels of citric acid in orange juice reduced the hardness of enamel by 84%.5

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