
What is mesomeric effect? +M and -M?

What is mesomeric effect?
+M and -M?


3 Answers

Rinkoo Gupta
askIITians Faculty 81 Points
10 years ago
What is a mesomeric effect?"Mesomeric effect" is just a synonym for "resonance effect". If electron density at a particular point in a molecule is higher or lower than what you'd expect from a single Lewis structure, and various canonical structures can be drawn to show how electron delocalization will explain the discrepancy, the difference in electron density is called a "mesomeric effect"
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta
AskIITians Faculty
277 Points
10 years ago
So practically there is no difference in mesomeric effect and resonance?
47 Points
10 years ago
Mesomeric effect or Resonance effect is defined as the ‘polarity produced in the molecule by the interaction of two p-bonds or between a p-bond and lone pair of electrons present on an adjacent atom’. It is designated as R or M effect. Now, a resonance effect can be either positive or negative. Look below positive and negative resonance effects one by one.

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