
please tell me all compounds showing tollen test with full details of their discriptions towards tollen test

please tell me all compounds showing tollen test with full details of their discriptions towards tollen test

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
 –Tollens' reagent is usually ammoniacal silver nitrate.It is an chemical reagent most commonly used to determine whether a known carbonyl-containing compound is an aldehyde or alpha-hydroxy ketone.A positive test with Tollens' reagent results in elemental silver precipitating out of solution,on the inner surface of the test tube, producing a characteristic "silver mirror”.1).Aldehydes will be positive in Tollens' test and a mirror-like material will be formed.2).If the ketone is an alpha-hydroxy ketone, then the Tollens' reagent will react.3).Tollens' reagent is also a test for alkynes with a triple bond in the 1-position. A yellow precipitate of the metal acetylide is formed in this case.Tollen’s Reagent

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