
Is riemer tiemen reaction is an example for parallel reaction?

Is riemer tiemen reaction is an example for parallel reaction?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
The Reimer–Tiemann reaction is a chemical reaction used for the ortho-formylation of phenols.
Chloroform (1) is deprotonated by strong base (normally hydroxide) to form the chloroform carbanion (2) which will quickly alpha-eliminate to give dichlorocarbene (3); this is the principal reactive species. The hydroxide will also deprotonate the phenol (4) to give a negatively charged phenoxide (5). The negative charge is delocalised into the aromatic ring, making it far more nucleophilic and increases its ortho selectivity. Nucelophilic attack of the dichlorocarbene from the ortho position gives an intermediate dichloromethyl substituted phenol (7). After basic hydrolysis, the desired product (9) is formed.

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