
How to determine basicity and acidity of organic compounds? ( There order)

How to determine basicity and acidity of organic compounds?
( There order)


2 Answers

Rinkoo Gupta
askIITians Faculty 81 Points
10 years ago
To determine the acidity of any compounds-

After the loss of H+ ion in an acid, the stability of corresponding anion decides how acidic the compound is. Now this stability of the corresponding anion can be observed by its surrounding atoms or group of atoms attached.
a) Presence of electronegative atom pull the excess electron density towards itself, and makes the anion stable.
b) Resonance is a big factor to stabilise the anion. The negative charge can be spread over different atoms in resonance structures which lead to stability.
c) Inductive effect: If groups attached to anion have -I effect then the decreases the electron density of the anion and makes it stable.

So look out for above mentioned effects for acidity. And to determine basicity the above condition are reversed.
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta
AskIITians Faculty
amber amber
19 Points
6 years ago
the acidity of compound depends on the stability of conjugate base . it also depend on ka of acid acidity is inversely propotional to electronegativity..

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