
From reaction selectivity of Cl2, I figured out that the chlorine should bond at any 2 degree carbon. But I dont know which 2 degree carbon it should attach to. From the From the image, the 3. product is less stable than 4. or 5. due to hyperconjugation. Which product (4. or 5.) will be the major one? please help

From reaction selectivity of Cl2, I figured out that the chlorine should bond at any 2 degree carbon. But I dont know which 2 degree carbon it should attach to. From the From the image, the 3. product is less stable than 4. or 5. due to hyperconjugation. Which product (4. or 5.) will be the major one? please help

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1 Answers

Ravleen Kaur
askIITians Faculty 1452 Points
5 years ago

We see by free radial stability of intermediate. Hyperconjugation in 3 where free radical is nearer to methyl so number of alpha hydrogen is less and less stable as compared to 4 and 5. In 4 and 5 hyperconjugation is same and according to inductive which is distance dependent 4 will b more stable.

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