
Can u explain me this points based on discovery of electrons 1)In absence of electrical or magnetic field these rays travel in straight line. 2)in presence of electrical or manetic field the behaviour of cathode rays are similar to that expected from negatively charged particle suggesting tha the cathode rays consist of negatively charged particle called electrons.

Can u explain me this points based on discovery of electrons
1)In absence of electrical or magnetic field these rays travel in straight line.
2)in presence of electrical or manetic field the behaviour of cathode rays are similar to that expected from negatively charged particle suggesting tha the cathode rays consist of negatively charged particle called electrons.


1 Answers

Adil Khan
askIITians Faculty 62 Points
8 years ago
1. Yes it do, remeber the cross experiment. it was placed in centre of CRT and shadow was seen on ZnS Screen.....Therefore cathode ray travel in stright line.

2. It moves towards oppositvely charged pole ie anode which was positive charge...


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