
Birch reduction of Toulene gives

Birch reduction of Toulene gives

Grade:12th pass

8 Answers

askIITians Faculty 652 Points
8 years ago
2061 Points
8 years ago
@ Sakshi the answer might be wrong bcoz here anti aromatic compound is formed
Plz aprve
2061 Points
8 years ago
Oops mistook
The answer is correct(Sakshi)
I forgot about the delocalisation of Tye double bond
Kartikey Sharma
19 Points
8 years ago
Delocalisation will be thee only when conjugation is there i.e double bonds are separated by a single bond so the second stucture is wrong.
If any mistake is on my side than pls show me the change from first structure into the other.
2061 Points
8 years ago
Yes because the anti aromatic is firmed when there is an complete delocalisation of electron
The answer given by Sakshi is correct pl. Check out and the answer is  non aromatic
Please approve
2061 Points
8 years ago
U are wrong I check my books completely
Kartikey Sharma
19 Points
8 years ago
I also know the answer is non aromatic but i was asking that in the above given equation the two structures given in the product how are they interconvertible into one another as to form  resonating structures you must have conjugation between the pi-pi electons.
askIITians Faculty 652 Points
8 years ago
The two structures mentioned in the above answer are not the interconvertable forms.
This actually depicts that on the reduction of toluene either the first structure or the second structure will be obtained. This is because there is delocalization in the benzene ring and hence either of the two compounds cam be formed.
It is just the representation which is different, both are actually the same compounds.
Hope this clears the doubt now..

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