
Aniline does not undergo Friedal-Craft’s reaction. Justify?

Aniline does not undergo Friedal-Craft’s reaction. Justify?


6 Answers

Sumit Nikhare
43 Points
9 years ago
In acidic medium Lewis acid gets attached to N of NH group  by developing positive charge over them  for which they become electron withdrawing deactivating group, hence unfavourable for friedal craft reaction.
13 Points
9 years ago
group  by developing positive charge over them  for which they become electron withdrawing deactivating group, hence unfavourable for friedal craft reaction. in acidic medium Lewis acid gets attached to N of NH
1700 Points
8 years ago
Salvath,Aniline doesnt undergo friedel craft rxn because the reagent AlCl3,being e- deficient acts as lewis base and attacks on the lone pair of nitrogen present in aniline.Due to this reason aniline is doesn’t undergo friedel kraft reaction.
153 Points
8 years ago
Salvath,Aniline doesnt undergo friedel craft rxn because the reagent AlCl3,being e- deficient acts as lewis base and attacks on the lone pair of nitrogen present in aniline.Due to this reason aniline is doesn’t undergo friedel kraft reaction .
Prabhakar ch
577 Points
8 years ago
Dear In acidic medium Lewis acid gets attached to N of NH group  by developing positive charge over them  for which they become electron withdrawing deactivating group, hence unfavourable for friedal craft reaction.
Meghna roy Chowdhury
43 Points
8 years ago
Friedal Crafts reaction takes p

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