
A particular water sample is found to contain 96.0 ppm of so4 ^2^_and 122 ppm hco3 ^_ with ca ^2+ as the only cation. How many ppm of ca ^2^+does the water contain?

A particular water sample is found to contain 96.0 ppm of so4 ^2^_and 122 ppm hco3 ^_ with ca ^2+ as the only cation. How many ppm of ca ^2^+does the water contain? 


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
5 years ago
We know that the formula for the given anions with calcium as the cation is (Ca)2So4 and CaHCO3. So there will be a total of 2*96ppm +122ppm of calcium in the sample which is equal to 314ppm.

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