
How to convert: 1.Toulene to benzylalcohol 2.Ethanol to but-1-yne 3.Isopropyl alcohol to iodoform 4.tert-Butyl bromide to isobutyl bromide

How to convert:

1.Toulene to benzylalcohol

2.Ethanol to but-1-yne

3.Isopropyl alcohol to iodoform

4.tert-Butyl bromide to isobutyl bromide 


2 Answers

Debarun Chatterjee
18 Points
12 years ago

1. Add Cl2 i presence of sunlight and then add aq. KOH.

2. Add SOCl2, then Na in presence of dry ether. add 2 equivalents of Cl2 in presence of sunlight and then treat with excess of alcoholic KOH.

3. Add NaOH in presence of I2.

4. Treat with alcoholic KOH followed by addition of HBr in presence of peroxide.

19 Points
9 years ago
  1. CH3CH2OH + SOCL2----------> CH3CH2CL-------( in presence of CH tripple bond CNa)---------> CH3CH2C( tripple bond)CH.

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