
briefly describe inductive effect its featrues in a most appropriate way and explain its types and applications.

briefly describe inductive effect its featrues in a most appropriate way and explain its types and applications.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Nandakumar UK
37 Points
10 years ago

Inductive is the permanent polarization effect operating through sigma bonds. It results from the electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms. It effectively operates up to third carbon and insignificant beyond that. Those atoms or groups of atoms that inductively release electrons is said to have positive or + Inductive effect where as those which withdraw electron is said to have negative or - inductive effect. 

Positive inductive effect weakens a carboxylic acid by enhancing electron cloud density around ''''O"of -OH group where by it becomes difficult for proton to leave. Electron withdrawing groups helps the release of the proton and thus strengthen acids. 

A carbanion is stabilized by electron withdrawing groups and destabilized by elecron releasing group; A carbo cation is stabilized by electron releasing groups and destabilized by electron withdrawing groups......

(more if needed)

Regards :D

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