
Which of the following monomers can undergo free radical, cationic as well as anionic polymerisation with equal ease? (a) CH3–CCH3=CH2 (b) C6H5–CH=CH2 (c) CH2=CH–CN (d) CH2=CH2 choose and explain please!!!

Which of the following monomers can undergo free radical, cationic as well as anionic polymerisation with equal ease?

 (a) CH3–CCH3=CH2

 (b) C6H5–CH=CH2

 (c) CH2=CH–CN

(d) CH2=CH2

choose and explain please!!!


2 Answers

Roshan Mohanty
64 Points
11 years ago

Well no idea about this type of question
But m guessing it D
by elimination of options 

Vikas TU
14149 Points
11 years ago

i thnk ans is 2 whatever cation anion or free radical form will stablise bcoz of involment in resonance.

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