
What are the major steps(mechanism)in the formation of ortho,para substituted nitro phenol or 1,3-dinitro phenol from 1,3-dinitro chlorobenzene in the presence of Aq.NaOH at high temperature? Reference of question-IIST paper-2012.Please help.

What are the major steps(mechanism)in the formation of ortho,para substituted nitro phenol or 1,3-dinitro phenol from 1,3-dinitro chlorobenzene in the presence of Aq.NaOH at high temperature?
Reference of question-IIST paper-2012.Please help.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Ravleen Kaur
askIITians Faculty 1452 Points
5 years ago
Please go through our revision notes

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