
In the above reaction, Markonikoff product i.e the ketone is more favoured than the expected antimarkonikoff product , the aldehyde. Can anyone pls explain me why ??? Probably one factor is stability of enolic form of ketone by hydrogen bonding. But what r the other reasons...


In the above reaction, Markonikoff product i.e the ketone is more favoured than the expected antimarkonikoff product , the aldehyde. Can anyone pls explain me why ??? Probably one factor is stability of enolic form of ketone by hydrogen bonding. But  what r the other reasons...


1 Answers

Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
That is the biggest reason, the stability of enolic form of ketone by H- bonding.

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