
) Chlorobutane is heated with sodium metal. The product formed is (A) n-octane (B) 2, 3 dimethyl hexane (C) 3, 4, dimethyl hexane (D) 2, 4, dimethyl hexane


Chlorobutane is heated with sodium metal. The product formed is




2, 3 dimethyl hexane


3, 4, dimethyl hexane


2, 4, dimethyl hexane


1 Answers

sushant singh
66 Points
13 years ago

Hi. Apparently with chlorobutane to sodium iodide

1-chlorobutane with NaI <-- SN2

2-chlorobutane with NaI <--SN1 & SN2

for sodium metal to chlorobutane, always keep in mind the concept of spectator atom where; you have a metal spectator atom, realize that the non-metal next to it must have negative charge.



so, by this elimination reaction of alkyl halide with nucleophile(sodium metal in this case), resultant can be easily depicted.

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