
Q63. Consider the following compounds The correct order of basicity of the above compounds is A) II > I > III > IV B) I > III > II > IV C) III > I > II > IV D) I > II > III > IV I hav marked the ans as B but i have a problem with the options B and C and iam unable to find the right one !!! Plzzz.... help !!! What is the ans it B or C ???? God Bless Repliers!!

Q63. Consider the following compoundsThe correct order of basicity of the above compounds is

A) II > I > III > IV

B) I > III > II > IV

C) III > I > II > IV

D) I > II > III > IV

I hav marked the ans as B but i have a problem with the options B and C and iam unable to find the right one !!!

Plzzz.... help !!!

What is the ans it B or C ????

God Bless Repliers!!


2 Answers

Gurwinder Kaur
65 Points
13 years ago

Amino acids with an amide on the side chain do not produce basic solutions ...

You need to look at the functional groups carefully because an amide starts out looking like an amine, but has the carbon double bond oxygen which changes the property. Amides are not basic.

therefore, option C is correct......

Sanjeev Malik IIT BHU
101 Points
13 years ago

the correct ans is C.

the basicity of compound depend on its tendency of holding more electrons on basic group itself.


in III;  N has its lone pair and two CH3 groups are exerting +I effect. thus increasing the e- density on NH

I;   due to two two NH group there is resonance and e-s are moving. none of both has complete hold of it. there is +i effect also.

II;  CH3CH2 has less +I effect on the present NH2 group.

IV;  O is more electronegative than N. so it pulls the electrons towards itself through reso. forming double bond N==C and single bond O---C. IT IS LEAST BASIC.

therefore, III>I>II>IV.

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